Value of the CESAM Architect Certifications
CESAMES系思迈提供 3 个级别的系统工程架构师认证:初级、中级 和 高级。要获取初级认证(CESAM Associate)必须通过线上测试,可在本页下方点击直接付款报名参加测试,或在“基于模型的系统工程(MBSE)入门”的短期培训(约 21 小时)后学员通过线上测试获得。短短几年内全球就已有数千名系统工程师获此认证,可说是当今世界增长最快的MBSE认证。
MBSE with CESAM Method is robust, thorough and easy to apply. Several industrial companies such as Airbus, ArianeGroup, Schneider Electric, Safran and some Chinese aerospace and telecommunication groups have been assisted by CESAMES teams. Their engineers managers have acquired the CESAM Method & Architect Certification. The CESAM certifications are not only a powerful aid for job applications, but they also allow certified professionals to network in the CESAM Community through events like international conferences or cross-continent webinars.
CESAMES offers 3 levels of certification: Associate, Confirmed and Expert. The CESAM Associate can only be acquired by online test, either directly, or after a short training “Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Fundamentals” ( about 21 hours). Having thousands of worldwide systems engineers certified in couple of years, we’d call CESAM as today’s fastest growing MBSE certification.
Register for the Test CESAM Associate
- 点击按钮跳转测试报名
- 根据系统提示完成购买步骤,可通过支付宝、微信、银行卡等方式付款
- 测试费用为2000人民币,若未能通过测试或者想再次测试提高成绩,我们将提供购买折扣。
- 本测试最长时间90分钟,链接有效期为1个月,请收到链接后于一个月内完成测试
- 如需要提供发票或有任何其他问题请联系contact@cesames.cn或添加微信客服: CESAMESChina
线上测试是通过ClassMarker系统的电子邮件接收测试链接。共40个道题,是从系思迈题库中随机抽取的单选或多选题,所有题目均为中英双语。答对至少30题即可获得CESAM Associate初级认证。
- Click the button below to register,
- Follow the steps to complete the order which can be paid by Alipay, WeChat or VISA cards,
- The test fee is 2000 RMB, if one fails the test or wants to test again to improve the score, CESAMES could provide a discount for the next purchase,
- The maximum testing time is 90min and the test link is valid for 1 month. Please complete the test within one month after receiving the link,
- If one needs a Fapiao or have any other questions, please contact contact@cesames.cn or by our WeChat Customer Service: CESAMESChina
The test link will be emailed by ClassMarker system and it contains 40 questions, single or multiple choices, randomly selected from our test bank. All questions are bilingual (En/Cn). A minimum of 30 correct answers will be required to succeed the CESAM Associate Certification.
The results will be automatically sent by ClassMarker to the respondent’s email immediately after the test is finished.